O Ring Groove Design Standard Dovetail grooves are used to hold the Oring inplace on a face seal groove during during assembly and maintenance of equipment An undercut or dovetail groove has proven beneficial in many applications to keep the oring in place This is an expensive groove to machine, however, and thus should be used only whenThe face seal design chart below explains the hardware dimensions to use for an Oring seal when the groove is cut into a flat surface For designing systems which contain internal pressure, like the example below, the groove's outside diameter (OD) is primary, and the groove's width then determines the inside diameter10 ORING SEALS – THEORY AND DESIGN PRACTICES Theory An oring seal consists of an oring and a properly designed gland which applies a predictable deformation to the oring The gland is basically a groove dimensioned to a certain height "H" and width "W" (Figure 1) to allow a fixed compression of the oring

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Metric o-ring face seal groove design-Groove Design ORing Seals for Static and NonRotary Dynamic Applications Crosssection Select an ORing crosssection size from the available standard sizes If you are unsure what Clearance Determine the maximum clearance present in your application For a radial seal, subtract the minimumWelcome to our Oring Groove Design section Here you will find an Oring groove design guide to help you with your Oring gland dimensions Through our extensive research we believe that these Oring groove dimensions and fit details will provide the optimum Oring compression squeeze for your seal to prevent Oring leaks

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Total indicator reading between groove and adjacent bearing surface All surfaces and corners must be free of tool marks and scratches ORing groove and dimensions may be calculated as follows (please refer to chart above) Given ExampleAnd gland — constitute the classic Oring seal assembly Groove Bore Piston Rod Figure 12 Basic Gland Figure 13 Gland and ORing Seal Figure 11 Basic ORng 13 Advantages of ORings • They seal over a wide range of pressure, temperature and tolerance • Ease of service, no smearing or retightening • No critical torque onDESIGN DIMENSIONS FOR ORING INSTALLATION Orings are normally used as seals in several ways, and dimensions of the groove or gland will also vary with the cross section of the ring, the type of operation, and the amount of pressure used in the system These dimensions will also be different if the Oring is sealing a liquid which has a low volume
Rubber Seals, Sealing Devices & ORing Seal Design AppleThe Oring is also axially squeezed in a dovetail groove The groove design allows the Oring to be retained in the face seal during assembly and maintenance This is beneficial for special applications where the Oring has to be fixed by the groove eg aSquare Rings fit in oring grooves and are interchangeable sizeforsize Square Rings are available in a variety of rubber and plastic materials such as NBR, Viton, EPDM, Teflon, etc In most static applications, a Square Ring will serve as a direct replacement for an oring and generally will perform a highpressure sealing function as well
ORing Radial Axial metrical No One Two EccenCross Clearance Backup Backup Backup Groove tricity Section Radial Axial Inches % Inches % Max Rings Ring Rings Radius Max ORing Gland Design For Static Seals Note Table A contains general sealing guidelines More specific information is available throughout this guideORing Groove Design Guides Expert Application Engineering Assistance Oring groove design guides offer default dimensional guidance on the most basic oring groove design applications The best orings are useless without the right groove design which becomes increasingly important the more demanding the application environmentThere are two types of radial designs 1 Male or Plug the Oring groove is located on a plug which is inserted into the housing or cylinder (fig 123) 2 Female or Tube the Oring groove is located in the housing or cylinder and a tube is installed through the Oring lD (fig 124) Male or Plug Seal design is based on

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O'ring Groove Design As important as the o'ring seal itself is the groove that the o'ring seats into The groove must be designed to accommodate not just the o'ring size, but also its intended usage;Design Table 42 Gland Dimensions for Industrial ORing Static Seals, 1035 Bar (1500 psi) Max Gland Dimensions for Industrial ORing Static Seals, 1035 Bar (1500 psi) Max† A A1 B B1 C D G† ORingOring seal The tables at the right and the diagram below provide the recommended gland design parameters In addition, the gland surfaces must be free from all machining irregularities, and the gland edges should be smooth and true and free of nicks, scratches, and burrs A perfectly designed Oring seal is of little use if the Oring

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Dovetail grooves are used to hold the Oring inplace on a face seal groove during during assembly and maintenance of equipment An undercut or dovetail groove has proven beneficial in many applications to keep the oring in place However, this is an expensive groove to machine, and thus should be used only when absolutely necessaryIf you are designing a face seal, select the QuadRing® Brand with an inside diameter which will position the QuadRing® Brand on the side of the groove opposite the pressure Click here for more information on face seal groove design Note the QuadRing® Brand inside diameter for the next step Calculate the Seal Stretch The oring is a 70 durometer fluorosilicone material in an oddball size I've compared the groove fill to the Parker dimensions and we are quite close The Parker sizes above and below ours are nominally 902% and 909% groove fill and ours is 5% so just a little lower This seal gets leak checked a number of times, once in an outlet

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ERIKS standard ORings and load them also into your created design info chemical volume swell (%) cross section diameter (mm) ISO 3601 free Calculate Results Reset calculatorDovetail grooves are used to hold the Oring inplace on a face seal groove during during assembly and maintenance of equipment An undercut or dovetail groove has proven beneficial in many applications to keep the oring in place However, this is an expensive groove to machine, and thus should be used only when absolutely necessaryHow to design an oring groove Types of Oring Seals For standard oring shapes, there exist 3 main types of oring seals face, radial, and crush Materials Orings come in dozens of different materials, most likely when you think of "rubber" sealing you will think Installation Orings are

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For a bore (piston) seal QuadRing® Brand Groove Diameter = Max Bore Diameter – (2 X Recommended Gland Depth) For a face seal QuadRing® Brand Groove Depth = Recommended Gland Depth – Application Clearance With a face seal, if the two surfaces to be sealed are in direct contact (such as with a cover), the seal groove depth is simply theThe ERIKS Oring design calculator features the calculation of • oring dimensions for the use in a specific groove • groove dimensions for the use of a specific oring • evaluation of both, any combination of oring and groove for axial seals with inner or outer pressure, piston seals and rod sealsStandard sized Kalrez® Orings are available in 16 weeks Metric sized Orings are readily available in the following materials with a $ per size minimum Black Nitrile (BunaN) 70 and Black Viton® 75 Standard sized Black Aflas® 80 and Blue Fluorosilicone 70 Orings

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Dovetail grooves are used to hold the Oring in place during installation or maintenance This groove design is relatively uncommon as it is expensive to machine and should not be used unless absolutely required The dovetail groove construction is only recommended for Orings with cross sections of 139 inch (3,53 mm) and largerWhen using leather or hard rubber antiextrusion rings the housing widths must be increased as follows 0,25 (0010) (0016) to,75 (0030) (0040) * BS4518 recommendationsNow, follow the steps below to design your own oring seal and oring groove Step 1 Choose your rubber properties by going to our Oring Material Guide section Step 2 Make sure that the material you choose will withstand the temperature of your system by going to this rubber temperature range chart Step 3

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The Groove Width GW should therefore be about 15 times the ORing crosssection diameter to accomodate this axial expansion, Design Guidelines for Axial Seals ORing design for axial seals is similar to that for radial seals, with the important points summarized below The ORing must be compressed by a predetermined amount, and this The OSeal has a round cross section like an Oring However the footprint of the OSeal is designed to match the shape of the groove The primary advantage of the OSeal is custom molding to fit the exact groove, eliminating the concern that comes with bending stress at the corners A smaller corner radii can be used for the groove, allowingTested in face type Oring seals using grooves that provided 15%, 30% and 50% compression For vertical Oring applications (as a chamber), it is desirable to use an undercut groove similar to that shown in Figure 1 The Oring is held firmly in place and has no tendency to drop out of the groove when the chamber is open Figure 1

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Between 15%25% squeeze on the ORing Static seals can tolerate higher volume swell of the O Ring than dynamic seals B Dynamic seal grooves are normally designed to have about 15% squeeze on the ORing Less squeeze increases probability of leakage while more squeeze increases friction and probability of spiral failureBe it dynamic or static operation, radial or axial loading, vacuum or high pressure'O' Ring Guide Introduction The 'O' ring, or toroidal seal, is an exceptionally versatile sealing device Applications, ranging from garden hose couplings to aerospace or oil and gas duties, make it the world's most popular volumeproduced seal 'O' rings offer many benefits to designers, engineers, maintenance staff and plant

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Oring Groove Design in 3 easy steps Step 1 Choose whether you are working with existing hardware or designing new hardware Select the type of Oring groove piston, rod, face seal or trapped seal If the Oring size required is known, simply select the AS, BS or ISO standard (such as AS568) and enter the dash size referenceORing Groove Design 1 The following sizes are not normally recommended for dynamic service, although special applications may permit their use 2 Clearances shown are based on 70 durometer materials The clearances must be held to an absolute minimum consistent with design requirements for temperature variations and should not exceed theOring groove design is a key consideration in the oring selection process Browse design considerations and recommendations for static face seals, metric orings, static dovetail orings, static rodpiston orings and dynamic rodpiston orings Once you find the right oring groove design you can easily order online from the world's largest

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The Parker ORing Handbook has been a standard reference work used by seal designers for decades It contains comprehensive information about the properties of the most important sealing elas tomers, typical Oring application examples, examples of statically acting seal designs plus descriptions of conditions that may lead to Oring failureDynamic Rotary ORing Gland Design In a dynamic rotary seal applications a turning shaft protrudes through the ID of an oring, the oring then becoming a seal The table below lists recommended dimensions for dynamic rotary seal glands by AS568A oring dash numbers Static Radial Glands Axial Internal PressureFastDashTM Oring Piston Seal Design Guide Enter the "A" diameter (ie bore diameter), Press the "Submit" button, The appropriate dash no orings will be listed along with their associated groove

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Suggested Groove Design for Quattro Seals™ Due to their unique fourlobed geometry, grooves for Quattro Seals are different than those for ORings In general, Quattro Seal grooves are deeper, as less squeeze is required to affect a positive seal Quattro Seal grooves are also narrower due to their ability to resist "spiral failureFor additional information about Oring and backup ring materials, refer to Materials and about extrusion, refer to Gap extrusion Housing groove width To accommodate the additional backup rings, the Oring groove width L needs to be increased to L1 for one backup ring or L2 for two backup rings The groove width dimensions are listed inDovetail ORing Gland Design In a dovetail oring gland application the oring squeeze is primarily axial in direction, where a valve exerts force on the top and bottom of the orings surfaces Typically used in static or slow moving applications the dovetail orings gland purpose is to properly hold the oring in place during machine operation

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Orings are the epitome of elegant engineering The ring itself costs only a few cents, and the groove it goes in is simple and easy to manufacture But despORing Groove Design for Face Seals Basic Application Groove Design Reference Charts Expert Application Engineer Support Download PDF These type of glands are used for a variety of applications, bolted flanges or removable lids Try our new Online Oring StoreAS568B STANDARD ORING GROOVE DESIGN Contact Us For Assistance Or Samples Click Here and contact us today to receive a quote or if you have any questions regarding sizing × Dismiss alert The three main types of standard groove designs are Industrial Static also called Radial, Industrial Reciprocating also called Dynamic, and Face Seals also

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