Download SCP087B 01 (245 MB) Download SCP087B 02 (294 MB) Download SCP087beep Trivia Regalis has stated that the face that appears at the ending of the first version of SCP087B is Finnish rapper Kalle Havumäki, who is famous on Finnish imageboards, and 609ogg is a clip taken from an interview with him Once the game became more They somehow made a scarier game than SCP087 The Pillars of Horror is a look at the games, past and present, that have shaped the genre, showcasing the various mistakes and triumphs that have come out over the years They may not all be gems, but they've all contributed something to scaring the controllers out of people's handsSCP087 Recovered document will open one of them The story based on the history of Dr Kester You have to explore the object, reveal its secrets and get to the truth, which SCP fund so carefully conceals from "ordinary mortals" Are you ready to get an access to the secret fund's information?

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Hollywoodedge, Screams 3 Man Gutwren PE (Heard thrice in a high pitched variant in "Angry German Kid Plays SCP087B") Hollywoodedge, Single Classic Wolf CRT/Sound Ideas, COYOTE LONG HOWL, ANIMAL (Heard once in "Angry German Kid Watches Red Mist") Hollywoodedge, Wood Door OC Bounce PE (open sound) KEFKA LAUGH;5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10 Gmod Breach (The following are mods of SCP games, but some consider them to be different things so I will add them anyways) 11 SCP CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod (unreleased, but had a demo version out for it awhile ago) 12 SCP Containment Breach Ultimate Edition 135 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10 Gmod Breach (The following are mods of SCP games, but some consider them to be different things so I will add them anyways) 11 SCP CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod (unreleased, but had a demo version out for it awhile ago) 12 SCP Containment Breach Ultimate Edition 13
Version 110 almost 2 years ago Remake of the original SCP 087b game The game has 100 floors and it has a final Controls WASD move, F light a match, pressing several times W move the brick wall, num/num mouse sensitivity Download (25 MB)WeeboMod (SCP087W) TBD Adventure (The following mod was a pretty old mod I decided to finish up, it was previously called SCP087W I also don't see this mod suitable for people under weebomod (scp087w) horror The Void (A Short Experminental Mod for SCP087B) Released 16 AdventureThe premise of this mod brings you to a SCP Foundation facility that has been worn out and darkened due to constant threat of SCP087B monsters breaking containment and pursues in the darkness The mod changes the atmosphere to match it of that of SCP087B and SCP087 and references countless other darkness based horror games
Throughout the staircase, the cries and wails of what sounds like a small child are heard It is unknown if SCP0871 is responsible for these cries, as there is no way to follow them or get any closer to the source, even when SCP0871 appears If SCP0871 is the source, it is unknown if the cries are legitimate sadness and fear or a lullingFNAF 4 Jumpscare FNAF 3 Death Scream Fnaf 6 Jumpscare Sound JUMPSCARE FNAF 3 Jumpscare Scream Undertale Chara Jumpscare "Death Jumpscare" Phasmophobia Fnaf 3 scream Scary Maze Game Scream Sound SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087 You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darkness How deep can you go?

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D9035's breathing grows labored SCP0871 remains immobile for an additional 13 seconds SCP0871 blinks D9035 yelling, incomprehensible SCP0871 jerks forward until it is approximately 90 centimeters from D9035 Subject turns and flees up the stairs Dr Please relax and calm down Turn around Progress has been slow now that I don't have Unity Pro anymore I've mostly been tidying the game up, redoing the menu, and a few changes to the SCP087C1 I'd like to thank Lotims and ron Parnell for their help on the project During this 1 month of time, I have been busy with my social life, but I have also been researching The one way I had thought on implementing them was as a jump scare, like, when you put the infrared goggles for the first time, you'd see a 966 right in front of you, staring, which'd then just run away;

Scp 087 Scp Foundation

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Duchenkuke borrowed some sound effect's from his mod called "SCP087B shit your pants mod" but they have been reedited in this mod INSOMNIA ambience SCPC TeamThe_Trappervalenscout1By The_Trapper Post article RSS Articles SCP087C Mod (Remake) COMING SOON!SCP087B Death Soundogg mp3 version SCP087B Death Soundogg ogg version SCP087B Death Soundogg waveform SCP087B Death Soundogg spectrogram Kingrock09 December 5th, RainbowFactory wroteAt the begining, i thought that was another mod for SCP087B So i played it, and it was awesome !

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Scp 087 Scp Foundation
This boss is different It will not move if you look at it, which is a double edged sword In the narrow corridors of SCP087B, a Sister can completely block access You have to look away for about 3 seconds for it to leave When it's close You can see it Jumpscare on death Jumpscare on teleport near the player/s Not lethal TipsSCP087B is a short, experimental indie horror game created by Joonas ("Regalis") Rikkonen It is loosely based upon the SCP Foundation universe and is considered by Regalis to be the stepping stone to the creation of SCP Containment Breach 1 Development 2 Intro Text 3 Gameplay 4 Entities 41 Masked Man 42 Red Mist Monster 421 Quotes 43 Cheshire Smile 431 Quotes 44Stream SCP 087 B Death Sound by KingRock09 King Rock09 on desktop and mobile Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud

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SCP087B is a highly paranormal building with highly unusual properties When two or more subjects enter SCP087B, it appears to be a cold, empty unlit room with concrete walls and a large metal door Torches do not seem to have an effect on light levels and the room remains dark The subjects have reported feeling anxious and nauseatedSCP087B SCP087B is a small experimental horror game loosely based on SCP087You find yourself inside a set of randomly generated dark hallways and staircases with something lurking below you, and the only way you can go is deeper into the darknessFeel free to add a game if I missed one THANKS TO okbuddysir, Agent The games are listed here (this is just listed in the order I typed them up) 1 SCP Containment Breach 2 SCP Containment Breach Unity 3 SCP Secret Laboratory 4 SCP450 5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10

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But they are too many jumpscare, i mean, they are everywhere !Features Video cutscenes with the real artistsAfterwards, everytime you put the goggles on there'd be a chance of seeing them wathching you in one of the corners of the room, perhaps even

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The best collection of SCP sounds you can find Sounds to use on SCP Secret Laboratory All sound files are now MP3 instead of OGG Renamed all the sound files BY ☆ミAlperen☆彡SCP 87 B Shit your Pants MULTIPLAYER 12 SCP 087 B Shit your Pants Mod Full Version Fixed Sounds, Game is Brighter, few fixes, new Textures Donwload this VersionDescription SCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform The design of SCP087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 15 flights

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SCP087B Is like SCP106 but brings players to SCP087A (the endless staircase) SCP087C Is obtained by beating Minitoon's endless staircase game However the endless staircase is the version from Minitoon's game and it has more speed than SCP087B SCP096 Can activate a rage mode where they move incredibly fast and makes a lot of SCP087B (Created by Regalis/Joonas Rikkonen) is an unofficial spin off game of the stairway simulator named SCP087, SCP087B is filled with seemingly endless dark hallways that give the player a sense of claustrophobia and has intent of jumpscaring the player so yeah that's basically it, you go down some hallways get jumpscared but in theIt is important to note that since the sighting of SCP0871, the sound of the girl crying and pleading has been increasing in volume, indicating D94 is nearing the source After an approximate 150 panicked flights of descent with 3 visual confirmations of SCP0871 still in pursuit, D94 trips and appears to fall unconscious

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Feel free to add a game if I missed one THANKS TO okbuddysir, Agent The games are listed here (this is just listed in the order I typed them up) 1 SCP Containment Breach 2 SCP Containment Breach Unity 3 SCP Secret Laboratory 4 SCP450 5 SCP3008 6 SCP Blackout 7 SCP087 8 SCP087B 9 SCP Operation Descent 10Play Sound SCP0871 is a creature of unknown origin living on SCP087 an unending staircase All those who enter SCP087 can hear a crying child roughly 0 metres down, which seems to descend at the same speed as the person descending The crying child is possibly SCP0871 trying to lure them in, although this is yet to be confirmedThe game was inspired by Haversine's game SCP087

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsSCP087B JUMPSCARE SOUNDS These are rare sound effects probably created by Joonas Rikkonen for SCP087B, regarding at least three jumpscaresThe Son's face used from an SCP called, SCP087B However, the face has been revamped for unknown reasons You can still find the original face in the secret ending of Camping 2 The sound the deer makes is from the popular game, Minecraft, with it being a sheep sound

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SCP087 is a simple experimental first person horror game created by Haversine It inspired Regalis to make SCP087Band later SCP – Containment Breach The player starts out in the entrance of the stairwell, being conducted by the foundation for testing The player must wander through the several floors and will experience various screen effects and sounds The amount of floors areSCP087 is an unlit platform staircase Subjects report and audio recordings confirm the sound of a crying, pleading child estimated to be located approximately 0 meters below the initial platform However, any attempts to descend the staircase have failed to bring subjects closer to the source The depth of descent calculated from Exploration IV, the longest exploration, is shown to be farSCP087B is an experimental firstperson horror game created by Joonas "Regalis" Rikkonen, a man later known for developing SCP – Containment Breach, based off the original SCP087 game created by Haversine The gameplay is extremely simple and linear, being an expansion of SCP087, as it is about a random Foundation personnel (led by a doctor alerting them of enemies and

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Five Rounds at Freddy's Stairs is a thrilling mod made for SCP087B with sounds and many textures taken from the horror Five Nights at Freddy's game You are placed in a strange creepy building You have to find the way out as soon as possible before the scary animatronics looking like Freddy and Bonnie find and kill youI recorded my voice while playing freelance horror games;Find Roblox ID for track SCP087B jumpscare and also many other song IDs The track SCP087B jumpscare has Roblox ID

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SCP087B Song (Extended Version) by TheSCPkid published on TZ Alrighty, I am back again with more Glenn Leori tracks from his amazing songs of the SCP's, I really do appreciate his works when he does these cool and great tracks for each SCP from SCP Containment BreachSCP087B and Slender Sanatorium this was so I could get genuine reactions to use as stock voice clips for future use some pretty interesting stuff came out expecting a jumpscareInsanity is a boss that appears in 1 Description 2 In Slender Fortress 21 Classic Version 22 Modern Version 23 Stylized & Current Version 3 Quotes 31 Idle 32 Alert 33 Chase 34 Stun 35 Chase Initial 36 Kill 4 Gallery 5 Demonstration 6 Trivia Not to be confused with the original Joy, Insanity is more of a darker version and more harmful version of Joy First appearing and dying in

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